Saturday, November 5, 2011

PALESTINE- The Economic Ayatollah

Fouad Amrin will finally have a place to live! No longer confined to isolation and loneliness, he is now liberated with a roof under over his head and enough money to purchase new garments and furnish his new stomping ground. Amrin, who stabbed a 15-year-old Israeli girl to death in 1992, was serving a life sentence but now released, will receive a brand new home and $7,000. Top that, Bob Barker!

Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian National Authority has devised a plan funded by the Palestinian Investment Fund to build houses for the released prisoners in the Gilad Schalit swap. The PIF’s objective is to stimulate the Palestinian economy by making vital investments. My question is how will building homes for murderers strengthen the Palestinian economy? It will surely provide shelter, rebound and perhaps means for further plots to eliminate Yids from this Earth, but I ask again- how will building homes for murderers strengthen the Palestinian economy? I do not consider myself an economist and by no means am I the master of marginal benefit strategy, but I will take a stab at this. Fouad Amrin, along with the other 1,026 prisoners released will be financially secure enough to purchase (a modest guess) 3 guns each from Al-Mel Gibson’s Gun Store.  Al-Mel Gibson will make $924,300 from these prisoners alone. How about all of the euphoria from this business on the up-and-up? Well, I’m sure 1,027 more (non-convicted) murderers might purchase 1 gun each (I don’t think they’d push their luck and buy 3). That’s another $308,100! Al-Mel Gibson and his family will be able to eat filet mignon every night for dinner!!!

Now why might Israel and other countries like the United States, Holland, Canada or Germany vote against Palestine to be accepted into UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)? This recent decision is a microcosm of many reasons why many nations do not like Palestine. The sad result is that UNESCO did accept Palestine into the organization last week. Even sadder news is that Palestine is seeking 16 other UN agency memberships. Here is some advice for the other 16 UN agencies for which Palestine will propose membership- Make your decision based on their strides for economic progression.