Friday, October 28, 2011

The Inexpensive Jewish life

Get out the calculator. Yesterday, Israel welcomed Ilan Grapel home in exchange for 25 Egyptian prisoners. Last week, 1,027 Palestinians and Israeli Arabs were released for Gilad Shalit’s freedom. Keep pressing the addition key. 100,000+ Jews are furious about these radical trades. Oda Tarbin, an Israeli currently being held in Egypt for 11 years and counting, will he be released for 10,000,000 Jew haters? Groups like Hamas or Hezballah do not want to see a Jewish state, but are the biggest haters of the Jews (press the equals sign…) the Jews?

College tuition for myself was roughly $5,000 a semester. I spent a summer interning in Los Angeles, a spring semester interning in New York City, took out thousands of dollars in student loans and graduated in four years, making the total cost (press the equals sign…) a college education.

“When someone asks his friend how he is and the friend says, ‘Not good’, this can be an opening for trouble. Because Gd says ‘You call this not good? I’ll show you what not good is. But if when his friend asks how he is, he answers brightly, ‘Good, thank Gd!’ even though things are really not so good, Gd says ‘This you call good? I’ll show you what good is!” – Siach Sarfey Kodesh 1-32

I will not complain because a Jewish life is priceless.

To read a personal sentiment from a Schalit, go here-